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The Ramifications of AI on Photography

This excerpt is about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its impact on photography. AI systems are designed to examine millions of images to generate new images based on keywords and text prompts. There are many ways that photographers are using AI, such as generating AI images and sharing them on social media, taking their own photographs and uploading them as inspiration for the AI system to make changes, or using AI as a conceptual starting place for a sequence of images based on a theme. The article also touches on the copyright implications of AI-generated images, as there is still uncertainty surrounding whether or not AI-generated images meet the standard for copyright.

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Ian Plant 7

Your Subject is Not Your Subject

Good photography is a process of making an effective photograph that is often counterintuitive. To excel at photography, one must learn to see the world the way the camera sees it, use limitations as artistic opportunities, and include other visual elements that work together with the subject to engage the viewer with the story being told.

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688 118 Oak Leaf Rock Creek Canyon


Hank discusses the importance of simplicity in photography, paired with the differences between the way the camera captures a scene versus how the human eye perceives that same scene. He emphasizes that the power of photography lies in its ability to express feeling and perception, rather than serving solely as a document of a moment in time. He notes that it is the artist’s job to clearly communicate their intended message through their photograph, rather than leaving it up to the viewer to search for the meaning.

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