Valley Sentiel

The Power of Personal Projects

For me the key word is “project.” Projects are highly flexible, allow me to stretch my wings, and make me a better photographer. I prefer to drive to all the destinations I go to for photography. I have two long-term personal projects that I work on whenever I am on the road. The subject matter for each project — rocks and trees, and derelict buildings — is generally found serendipitously.


Walking with Pumas

I’m deeply fascinated by the technique of combining intentional blurring with on-site, high-key photography. I believe it creates a uniquely delicate impression for the viewer. It’s this delicacy, or perhaps gentleness, that I personally feel this particular feline possesses compared to other big cats I’m familiar with, and it extends even to the possibility of walking alongside them.

Elephants In The Okavango Delta In Botswana

On the Delta – Photographing Okavango’s Wet Season

Okavango! The name itself conjures up fantasies of southern Africa — animals around waterholes as dust clouds roll in from the parched Kalahari plains. But this hot, dry, arid version of the Okavango is only the summer half of a fuller, richer story.

Cripps Backpacking NPN 19

Why Every Landscape Photographer Should Go Backpacking

On the surface, backpacking seems terrible. It’s incredibly hard work, often uncomfortable, cold, and exhausting. And yet, trip after trip, I go back for more, because backpacking has brought me more moments of pure joy and beauty than any other activity. Here are my top five reasons why, plus some tips to help you have a successful first time out if you’re new to backpacking.

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Infrared – The Surreal Landscape

Tony Sweet discusses the joys of photographing landscapes in the infrared color spectrum, as well as how to get started.


The Vision Approach to Photography

Cole Thompson discusses his vision approach to photography, using examples from his various photographic series over the years.

Photo 014 Clustered Bonnet Mycena Inclinata RST098762

The Changing Face of Macro Photography

The photographic world at present is in a continual state of flux. New products, devices and accessories appear almost daily. Technology is moving so quickly it’s sometimes hard to keep abreast. The future of photography as a business is challenging, but also exciting. Macro photography in the past may have been seen as a specialist field with limited interest, but that’s no longer the case, it’s come a long way, and its popularity has grown immensely in recent years and continues to do so.

Peripheral Landscapes Murray Livingston

Peripheral Landscapes

Perception is not limited to just the visual sense, but rather it is a way of interacting with the world around us. Murray Livingston suggests that engaging a perceptive agency that is out-of-sight requires surrendering ourselves to a conversation with nature and being open to what lies beyond our horizons. He explores the concept of periphery in photography, which refers to the edges or margins of a photograph; this is important because it forces the viewer to imagine what lies beyond the frame and can become an ethical question of what the photographer reveals or conceals.