688 118 Oak Leaf Rock Creek Canyon


Hank discusses the importance of simplicity in photography, paired with the differences between the way the camera captures a scene versus how the human eye perceives that same scene. He emphasizes that the power of photography lies in its ability to express feeling and perception, rather than serving solely as a document of a moment in time. He notes that it is the artist’s job to clearly communicate their intended message through their photograph, rather than leaving it up to the viewer to search for the meaning.

Yellowstone River

A Reason for the Photograph to Exist

Spencer Cox of Photography Life discusses reasons for photographs to exist, including the cost of a photograph and how to best unify a message for your art.


2022 Yearly Editors Picks

The 2022 Editors Picks for the Nature Photographers Network, including Nature Photographer of the Year.

Autumn Rain

Mental Preparation

John Pedersen walks through the mental preparation he takes prior to every photographic trip, answering with why you may wish to do the same.

Sounding XVII

Reasons for Making Photographs

John speaks on the importance of looking introspectively at why you have chosen to use photography as the tool for your personal expression.

01 Kimmerle TreesAndTetons GrandTetonNationalPark 2

The Road Less Expected

Whether working in an iconic and popular location, or in fly-over country, Chuck Kimmerle declares it best to trust your instincts and be true to yourself.


Ghost in the Shell

Rachael Talibart discusses her photographic series of the little dramas revealed by the shells near the ocean, her primary inspiration.