Nature Vision Articles

Category: Creative Articles

Long-form articles focused on creativity and the artistic side of photography.

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Including the Environment – Context Matters

When I first took an interest in photographing wildlife, and specifically birds, the mental model of the shot I wanted to capture was modeled after the images I’d see in bird ID books. That meant great detail in the plumage,

Seasons On The Edge (4 Of 10)

Seasons on the Edge

Ed shows us how the edges of seasons are his favorite and can help you add depth to your portfolio.

Herringbone Hills

The Introvert Game

Guy dives into the world of introverted nature photographers. What makes us different, and how we can learn to understand each other.

Oscure Presenze

Photographing Your Dark Side

Antonio explores the human psyche to express his dark side through his hauntingly beautiful photography.

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Seeing Beneath the Surface

Alister discusses the negative impacts of photographing with expectations and how we can change our mindset to see beyond things and ourselves.


Turning Down The Volume

Eric discusses a more quiet approach to photography rather than the usual approach on social media of yelling to get attention with bold images.


Working through Creative Slumps

Gary Randall describes his struggles with creative slumps and how to work your way through them when you hit this inevitable roadblock as an artist.


Take Your Bearings

“To chart a course, one must have a direction. In reality, the eye is no better than the philosophy behind it.” ~Berenice Abbott As a child, I loved everything wild and natural. Animals, landscapes, trees, flowers, seashores, deserts, mountains—the more

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