
20240216 LakeMagadi DSC5834 Enhanced NR

The Nature of the Abstract

With its beautiful colors, intricate patterns, and graceful flamingos, Lake Magadi has been a highlight of my 30-year journey as a nature photographer. It felt like a final exam of sorts: a technical challenge requiring abstract compositions and quick captures of giant flocks of birds within a limited time. But it was so much more than that.

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Peripheral Landscapes Murray Livingston

Peripheral Landscapes

Perception is not limited to just the visual sense, but rather it is a way of interacting with the world around us. Murray Livingston suggests that engaging a perceptive agency that is out-of-sight requires surrendering ourselves to a conversation with nature and being open to what lies beyond our horizons. He explores the concept of periphery in photography, which refers to the edges or margins of a photograph; this is important because it forces the viewer to imagine what lies beyond the frame and can become an ethical question of what the photographer reveals or conceals.

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